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International digital journal N 1

Sunday, November 24, 2024
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Innamorarsi dell’Italia: nuovi capitoli

Io abito in Italia. Sono riuscita a visitare quasi tutte le regioni di questo paese unico. Nella mia serie di articoli sul meraviglioso Paese, condivido le mie impressioni personali e l'ispirazione che ciascuno dei suoi angoli magici offre.

It’s easy to fall in love with Italy!

I've been living in Italy for the last three years, and before that I regularly visited these parts once every two months. I managed to visit almost all the regions of this unique country and, to be honest, it's very difficult for me to distinguish any of them, as each one is magnificent in its own way. In the series of articles about Italy there are my personal impressions and inspiration from these very places, which, I'm sure, will help you choose the place where you would like to go.

È così facile innamorarsi dell’Italia!

Da tre anni io abito in Italia e anche prima venivo regolarmente da queste parti ogni due mesi. Sono riuscita a visitare quasi tutte le regioni di questo paese unico ma, a dire il vero, è molto difficile per me individuarne alcuna, poiché ogni regione è magnifica a modo suo. Nella serie di articoli sull'Italia ci sono le mie impressioni personali e ispirazione da questi stessi luoghi, che, ne sono sicura, vi aiuteranno a scegliere il posto in cui volete andare.

Післяпологовий період 

Післяпологовий період для мами є не менш важливим, аніж вагітність і пологи. Дитина потребує постійного прикладання до грудей та цілодобової уваги мами, а мама вчиться правильно поводитися з немовлям. Водночас її організму необхідне відновлення. 

Get More Done As a Mom

How often do we search for something, that will help us to “get more hours” in a day? Here is the answer — a good plan can really save your day and add you that missing time. All you need is some tips that would help you to get more done within the same amount of time.

How to make your morning routine easier

Morning is your start of the day. So it’s very important to make it efficient and enjoyable.  Every morning is your chance to start from scratch. You have a whole day ahead and you can plan it the way you want. A solid morning routine helps set the basis for the day, so that it feels attainable instead of out of control.

Coffee Time Journal – Глобальний миротворчий проект для творення життя людей

Сьогодні, 30 жовтня 2024 року, ми відзначаємо три роки від дня відкриття журналу! Якщо порівняти нашу діяльність з першими роками життя дитини, це один із найнапруженіших періодів, оскільки починати нову справу з нуля завжди важко.

Coffee Time Journal — Projet mondial de rétablissement de la paix pour créer la vie des gens

Aujourd'hui, le 30 octobre 2024, nous célébrons les trois ans de l'ouverture du magazine ! Si l’on compare nos activités avec les premières années de la vie d’un enfant, c’est l’une des périodes les plus stressantes de la vie, car démarrer une nouvelle entreprise à partir de zéro est toujours difficile.

Coffee Time Journal — Global peacekeeping project to create people’s lives

Today, the 30th of October 2024, we celebrate the three-year anniversary of the opening of our magazine. If we compare our activities with the first years of a child’s life, this is one of the most stressful periods of life, since starting a new business from scratch is always difficult.

Coffee Time Journal — Progetto globale di mantenimento della pace per creare la vita delle persone

Oggi, il 30 ottobre 2024, festeggiamo il terzo anniversario dell'apertura della rivista! Se paragoniamo le nostre attività con i primi anni di vita di un bambino, questo è uno dei periodi più stressanti, poiché avviare una nuova attività da zero è sempre difficile.

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