Марiя Заяць
Now it’s December, the most wonderful and miraculous time of the year. It’s officially the moment to get into the mood of Christmas: start decorating your house and do all the Advent activities that you were thinking of the past few weeks. It’s high time to get rid of outside darkness and dullness and make your place cozy and warm.

It’s also a good idea to try different Christmas activities with your family, which can be done from home.
- Make a list of Christmas Activities as a family
Sit down at the kitchen table and write down all the things you want to do together during December. It’s so much fun to see how the kids are eager to create and participate. Their best idea would be to watch “Home Alone” over and over again. But after a bit of brainstorming you will definitely come up with some more things.
- Christmas scene made out of terrarium
Buy a rectangular glass box and fill it with battery lights, figures of Snow men, candles, fake snow, paper snowflakes, etc. You can then make up Christmas stories together about the magic world of Narnia or any other to your taste.
- Make some Bird Feeders
When winter comes, it’s getting harder for birds to find some food, so why don’t you make a feeder for them and fill it with high-energy food. Your kids will enjoy the process of creation and the birds will appreciate it and tease you flying around in your garden.
- Read Christmas books
It’s high time to buy or get some Christmas books from your bookshelf. Make your evenings full of magic, read fairytales to your kids and let their imagination and fantasy picture their own story.
- Go for a walk to see the Neighborhood Christmas Lights
Over the past few years more and more people decorate their houses, put Christmas lights outside their houses and other decorations, including Santa getting inside the house through the chimney and other things. It’s also a good chance to come up with new ideas for your home, when you see the ready examples of “how it might look like” on other houses.
- Get yourself some mini trees and decorate them
You don’t need to have only one big Christmas tree. Place as many trees as you and your kids would like too. The one thing is that they don’t need to be as big as the main one. You can play with shapes, size, colors and places. These trees can be either very small. The main thing is they have to make you happy. You can also bring some greenery – pine tree branches that smell so good and give your home this special Christmas feeling in the air.

- Do some Christmas baking
This one goes without saying. The smell of Christ bread will still your heart and create that very special atmosphere and a great mood. Children love make some Christmas cooking, so you can make some with them, as well as some cake pops and melting snowmen biscuits.
- Create your own Advent countdown
It’s not always necessary to buy such. You can also make one yourself. Just imagine how great would be to use traditional German paper, covered in old-fashioned winters scenes, embellished with glitter and with paper backing behind the little doors. Don’t forget about Advent. and les as well. It all together can fill you with joy of upcoming events.

You see, there are so many things to do with your kids, that will make your holidays and preparation days more interesting and entertaining. Just let your inner kid awake and create together with your children.
Main photo by Josue Michel
Read also:
These Luxury Advent Calendars Will Get You Excited for Christmas
Swarovski: A World of Holiday Wonder

Марiя Заяць
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