How often do we search for something, that will help us to “get more hours” in a day? Here is the answer — a good plan can really save your day and add you that missing time. All you need is some tips that would help you to get more done within the same amount of time.
Tip #1 Plan your routines
They will really add to your productivity a lot. If the laundry stays in your morning routine list, then you can load it in the morning and get it done throughout the week. The same works with cleaning — if you specify your cleaning hours, it will make your life a lot easier.
Tip #2 Make your sleep a priority
It doesn’t matter how big or small your to-do list is, if you are exhausted. Make sure you sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. You can accomplish much more, when you feel energized.
Tip #3 Clean the Bathroom when your kids are showering
This will also make your life easier a lot. You can clean everything except for the bath tub itself, but it will feel so good, knowing that you go to bed with the clean bathroom.
Tip #4 Plan your rest
Don’t forget to put a nap in your day plan. It might sound like the opposite to productivity but you need those 30 minutes to recharge. Without this one might feel that he/she is running on empty by the end of the day.
Tip #5 Grocery Pick-Up/Delivery
This tip will save not only your time but money as well. Going food shopping takes usually 1-2 hours of your day. Instead you could order groceries online and just pick them up in the designated time or simply meet a courier at your door. Plus, it helps you to stay on a budget, as you see the final sum, when you add things to your cart.
Tip #6 Don’t leave a room empty-handed
There are always things that don’t belong to their place in the house. So try to make it a habit to look around, before you leave a room and grab something that needs to be put back in its place. It’s a great way to reduce odd things and a nice habit to teach your kids.
Tip #7 Set yourself some boundaries
When you start doing something, finish it. Don’t let anything to disctract yourself. If you have a block of time, devoted to cleaning, don’t switch to cooking or playing with your kids as you only will have 3 or 4 things undone at the same time.
Tip #8 Have one 5 Minute Task
Give yourself one task, that requires only 5 minutes. When you complete it, it will give you the feeling of power to accomplish many other tasks, like this.
Photo by Cathryn Lavery
Read also:
How to make your morning routine easier

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