International digital journal N 1

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Happy Parenting

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Mapiя Заяць

Every baby deserves a happy childhood, as it is the time for children to be in school and at play, to grow strong and confident with the love and encouragement of their family and an extended community of caring adults. Although not everyone would agree that childhood is the best part of one’s life as some children may be born under such circumstances that are bad, but in most cases childhood is the best phase of life for many reasons.

The first 1000 days of a child’s life, from conception to two years of age, is an important foundational period which shapes their development and wellbeing. Children thrive when they have supportive environments in these early years.

And what about parents?

We are human beings, not only parents.

One of the big happiness pits for a lot of parents is not having the space to be whole people. But we don’t check ourselves at the door when we are first endowed with that sacred name of mother or father in the precious mouths of our children.

And part of being human is having passions. It’s about being part of a community, caring about the world and having a purpose. Our children are of course a huge purpose, and give a lot of purpose and meaning to our lives. But our children don’t have to be the only purpose.

Our children are human beings, too, not just our children.

As said above, to be someone else’s sole purpose is a LOT of pressure. So if your purpose is entirely wrapped up in your kids, that sets a lot on their shoulders to give you that purpose.

Photo by Jonathan Castaneda

We impart a LOT to our children by modelling.

Our kids inherit and follow everything we do, before they obtain their own habits. One can hear his/her exact expressions, tone of voice, and see exact facial expressions in the kids.

It’s a great thing. We can talk about many events, things, compassion, and community, but the kids learn much more from watching their adults

Happy parents hear their children.

To be a good listener, your mind as well as your body – has to be there. To listen, you need to put aside other thoughts. Concentrate on the speaker. Don’t worry about your to-do list. It won’t ever go away. Only then can you listen and really hear what children may be saying. Children who know that their parents hear them are less likely to feel alone when faced with pressure.

Photo by Kelli McClintock

Children enjoy knowing that they are seen, known, and loved, just as they are

Frankly, EVERYONE deserves to be seen, known, and loved, just as they are. And that’s what activism and mutual aid are all about.

Main photo by Ricardo Maruri

Read also:


Important Music in a Teenager’s Life

10 Places to See Before They Disappear

Марiя Заяць
Coffee Time journal | + posts

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