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International digital journal N 1

Monday, February 24, 2025

History and “Identity”: two focuses in the work of the artist from Norway

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Antonia is an independent international artist, photographer and graphic designer who combines traditional art elements with installation, graphics and textile to create unique visuals.

She has slavic (Ukrainian) roots, her works differ from each other and are full of energy and colors.

One of her latest works – “I ask forgiveness…” – was presented in Oslo in an exhibition “Materia” (30 of January – 3 of February 2019).

       Artwork «Identity», acrylic and mix media, 70/70, 2018

These pictures appeared as a result of my nostalgia, since I live now in Scandinavia, I really miss the brightness of colors and warmth. I was also influenced by the exhibition of my favorite artist Frida Kahlo, which I visited in London in the fall of 2018, as always, I was fascinated by her identity and uniqueness.

Artwork “Roots”, acrylic and mix media, 65/90, 2018
Artwork “Yellow broken bird», acrylic, collage, mix media, 65/90,2017

The most interesting questions for me as an artist are the relationship between a personality and society, touching the history pages. History has opened for me its hidden pages of relations people in different pieces of time, in different life cycles, in different stressed situations for humanity.

History in my understanding is a kind of mirror, reflecting and repeating people’s behaviour.

The second aspect that affects me is researching such topics as “identity”, ”roots” and a personal story of a person, how the perception of nature, traditions, culture of a person living far from his place of birth changes him. I originally have Slavic roots, but living in Norway now, I am very interested in such changes and in this topic especially.

Before I start working with a project, for example, with an installation, I start learning historical facts connecting with this project. Since I live in Norway and don’t have the opportunity to personally meet specialists and archives, my former colleagues help me in collecting information – history teachers, for example. I like to observe how people read information about a specific project or object. Tasks arising in the process of work are sometimes more exciting than originally planned.

As for the paintings, I like to work with the themes of “identity”, tradition, culture and “roots of people,” as I wrote earlier.

I like to work with different media. Last time it is “mix media”. I just love to play with different materials and watch them interact with each other, creating something completely new in the process.

The plots of my works were found in life or were created under the impression of certain historical facts, old photos of my family, memories or just fantasies.

This is how I create a project that reveals many aspects of my life and the objects around me.

Artwork “Eva and apples….”, acrylic, 65/90, 2016
Artwork ”Morning ocean, Atlantic coast”, fluid acrylic, 65/90, 2015 (this work is inspired by Norwegian nature)
Artwork “Cold paradise…”, acrylic, 28/35, 2020 (inspired by nature in Norway)
“Poems”, Acrylic paimting,mixmedia 65&90
“A green bird”, Acrylic painting, 65&90
антонина межуева
Antonia Høybakk
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