Марiя Заяць
Morning is your start of the day. So it’s very important to make it efficient and enjoyable. Every morning is your chance to start from scratch. You have a whole day ahead and you can plan it the way you want. A solid morning routine helps set the basis for the day, so that it feels attainable instead of out of control.
Start your day in a calm and peaceful state. This will affect your productivity and attitude to everything.
You will also feel powerful and experience a sense of purpose.

Do something for yourself, before the family daily routine starts. Crave some time to concentrate on the main person – you and the things that inspire and fulfill you. It can be reading, praying, listening to music, meditating, jogging or something else that can make you feel great.
When you are prepared for the day and feel fully awake, it’s easier for you to handle a family chaos that might appear, as soon as all your family members meet in the kitchen, after they wake up.
And of course, you should have a written beforehand to-do list for the upcoming day, then you are clear about what to do when. You don’t stress over time, or of not knowing what should you do next. This schedule is also handy, when it comes to planning your free time. You see exactly the time, when you are busy and the rest can be planned as you wish. But having no plan can lead to chaos, when you mix your free time with chores and sometimes not doing the right thing at exact time.

Below is an example of how my morning plan can look like:
- 06.45 – wake up (me and two kids: 6 and 3 years)
- 06.45 – 07.50 – breakfast time, quick morning routine, making the kids ready for school and kindergarten
- 07.50-08.00 – leaving the house
- 08.00-09.00 – me nursing my 6-months old daughter, making coffee and having some time for reading, scrolling the news feed and answering messages
- 09.00-11.00 – house work: cleaning, washing, making beds
- 11.00-12.15 – making lunch
- 12.30 – picking up my son from the kindergarten
- 13.00 – lunch at home
As said above, the strict morning routine can really make your day, so take some time to bring some order in your habits.
Main photo Getty Image
Read also:
How to Be Happy: Secrets to a Happier Life

Марiя Заяць
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