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Tuesday, January 7, 2025

I was here once thinking, what to write?

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I was here once thinking, what to write?
That my dreams come true with You all the time,
I can, with no fear, just float and enjoy
Like a bird seeking to soar
I can create constantly magic in life
By dreaming and speaking and acting…right!
And all the impossible things I can do
And share piece of bread with a stranger, I do
Sometimes all those ways are unclear to me,
But that is exactly how I go constantly
Knowing no boundaries, not looking back
Following You just ahead and ahead,
Some might call me “strange”
I don’t care, it is just…
That I love to stand out in the crowd
And leaving the vanity dull.
As only the dreamers can truly create,
Forgetting reality, flying up and away
Thinking of paintings, poems and lyrics
As well as of castles, galleries and bridges…
Imagine “something”- implement
As only the founders can create!
I thank you for talent, new options,
For passion and people
For having no limits and thinking “All real”
For seeing a chance in impossible whirl
The way might be tricky for dreamers – let be
But it is full of brightness – that I can see
As trusting You wholly on my way
Makes my life happy every day.

October 16, 2018

Translated from Russian by Maria Zayatz

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash
Author Julia
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