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International digital journal N 1

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Mom Help

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Марiя Заяць

It’s not until we become a mom, do we fully understand the sacrifices our mother made for us. All the late nights comforting us, when we had a bad dream or were sick. Thankless hours of doing laundry, preparing meals, cleaning the bathrooms or shuttling us from one activity to another.

All those little things and sacrifices, made us who we are today. It’s the mom, who brought us to whatever activity we wanted. It’s the mom, who worked two jobs but still found time to help us with our homework. It’s the mom, who supported and loved us no matter what. 

It’s so important to notice all these little things and thank and serve our moms not only for Mother’s Day but everyday. Find time to do it in a way she appreciates it. 

Photo by stephanie berbec

It might be hard to come up with ideas, so here are some things you could make her happy with:

  1. Serve her breakfast and coffee/tea
  2. Bake her favorite desserts
  3. Call her and just talk for hours
  4. Help with the laundry
  5. Ask her questions about her life
  6. Tell her you love her
  7. Thank her for everything you feel grateful for and for being there for you
  8. Ask her advice
  9. Take her out for lunch/dinner
  10. Make her dream come true
  11. Fulfill a wish
  12. Make a photoshoot
  13. Buy her that one thing, she won’t buy for herself
  14. Have a spa night
  15. Encourage her to do something she always wanted
  16. Travel with her
  17. Write her a letter
  18. Send her flowers
  19. Go on a walk with her
  20. Be there for her as much as you can.
  21. Be attentive to her 
  22. Listen to her more
  23. Go on a concert together
Photo by jovan vasiljevic

You see, there are so many things to make your mom happy. The list can go on and on. Just think of your mother and what she loves, enjoys, what you are fond of doing together…

Main photo: Getty images

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Get More Done As a Mom

This daily routine…


Марiя Заяць
Coffee Time journal | + posts

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