International digital journal N 1

Sunday, October 6, 2024


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Марiя Заяць

Motherhood is a profound journey, one that begins long before the first cries of a newborn echo through the delivery room. For some, it can even be a journey of endurance, marked by the trials of fertility treatments and the emotional roller coaster of hoping, waiting, and praying for a child to come into their lives.

But motherhood is not just about the birth of a child; it’s about the years that follow, the countless moments of joy, frustration, laughter, and tears that shape us as mothers and as individuals. Above all, motherhood is about love – a love so deep and profound, that it transcends words and defies explanation. It’s a love that fills every corner of our hearts, that sustains us through the toughest of times, and that reminds us, again and again, why we embarked on this journey in the first place.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema

Each mother’s journey is unique, with the real challenges. But love knows no bounds. And for that, the mothers are truly extraordinary. 

If motherhood is to be described, it can be beautiful, messy, sometimes even exhausting.

Expectation vs reality 

It’s important to go into this whole thing not very naive. A woman goes through a huge transformation on her way of becoming a mother: sleepless nights, loss of freedoms, overwhelming love. Sometimes you won’t even have a chance to eat, shower or brush your teeth! This is why it is important to speak honestly about the realities of motherhood.

Photo by Xavier Mouton Photographie

Trust your gut…

and do what feels right for you and your baby. All kids are different and a mother always knows her baby best, so be sure to follow the “mother’s intuition”.

Parenting philosophy

‘Attachment parenting’ is one of the strongest philosophies.. It promotes being attuned to your babies cries remembering that every cry, tantrum and expression has a legitimate purpose. It also promotes baby wearing, breastfeeding, contact naps and letting your baby tell you what they need in terms of sleep and feeds. It leans in again to trusting one’s instincts. Always lead your kids with love and compassion. Let your child feel safe, heard and loved and trust you, knowing that you’ll always be there no matter what she/he might need.

Photo by Jon Flobrant 

If one had to choose one parenting mantra, it would be:

Invest in self-care because you can’t serve from an empty cup.

Source: F WORD
Main photo by Liana Mikah

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Марiя Заяць
Coffee Time journal | + posts

автор статей, мама трьох дiтей

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