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International digital journal N 1

Monday, February 24, 2025


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A poem written in January 2017
after watching the movie “Passengers”

New meetings… New people
Someone is with you… And someone just leaving…
The world being caught in a leap
Who are we here? – Not knowing
But all wanting to lead, though it doesn’t work
Let’s submit the plan
At a certain moment we will understand
We are all “passengers” here walking along the end

If good luck is meant to be given to us
Then following a moment on God’s path
We might at first not realize
What is given to us should remain with us
Not to refuse but to gain,
As all those fatal meetings along the way

Only when the time goes by
We understand the burden marvel. We try!
In fact, that is what fate is,
Forever uniting us in this
And in that very moment
We do realize, the value of time given to us.

Translated from Russian by Maria Zayatz

Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash
Author Julia
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