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International digital journal N 1

Monday, March 3, 2025

Ridley Scott’s “Chateau”: the small world of a film legend

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Артем Мозговой

Chateau La Canorgue
Near Bonnieux, this is the chateau that served as the location star of the film “A Good Year”

Château La Canorgue is a family-owned estate and working vineyard about a mile outside the town of Bonnier in the Provence region of France. In the movie A Good Year, this is the house that Max (Russell Crowe) inherited from his uncle. Nowadays, this castle has a wine shop open to visitors, and you can stroll around the grounds of the estate.

Another castle owned by Ridley Scott himself — The Mas des Infermières is a magical place set in the very heart of the Luberon Natural Regional Park. This rich and undulating land, planted with vines, olive trees and truffle oaks, is the setting the Scott family has chosen to come and paint, read, and enjoy life and the long hot summers since 1992.

There you can admire the beautiful posters of all his famous films, from “The House of Gucci” to “Prometheus” and “The Martian”.

Let you remember that Scott has been one of the most important directors of our time for more than 40 years, after the release of “Alien” in 1979.

Inside the castle visitors would be able to admire not only ancient views of various wines, but also appreciate the original posters of Scott’s now iconic films.

Also you would be able to see a promo for the 1977 film “The Duelists” with Harvey Keitel and also look closely at the prototype of the spacesuit of the main character from “The Martian”, which Matt Damon wore on the set.

What is your favorite film made by the cinema master, and what wine would you like to try from the huge exciting collection?

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Артем Мозговой
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