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Saturday, March 15, 2025

“We bring people positivity, inspiration, as well as new fresh and bold ideas”: Author Julia about the present and future of Coffee Time Journal

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Tatiana Priyma

Almost ten years ago, the Owner of a successful creative studio was looking at the incredibly beautiful view of Toronto through the window of a skyscraper and was thinking about how many people living in the world would not be able to come to her or to her studio in Kyiv on the 24th floor with the same incredible view of the city, to share their ideas, get inspired, develop their gifts and talents. However, is it necessary to come? After all, you can bring joy, positivity, creation, good news and creativity not only to people who can come to you physically, but also via Internet. This way you can touch those who are thousands of kilometers away from you. And then the dream was born…

Founder and creator of Coffee Time Journal, writer, public figure, author of Coffee Time Journal articles, Yuliia Liashuk (Author Julia)

Today, the one, who made her dream come true and created a unique positive online magazine, which has been working for four years for people in search of inspiration and light in our complicated modern world, answers several questions about the most relevant aspects of the magazine “Coffee Time Journal”.

The mission of the magazine, is it just a beautiful slogan or…?

Julia Liashuk: Of course “or…” 🙂
We are a channel of positivity, creativity, inspiration, vision and new bold ideas. We do everything to improve people’s life or, we can say, to diversify it.
How exactly can we do that? Obviously, through our content. There are some articles written by our exclusive authors, which we are very proud of! These articles can be found in the sections such as Self-development, Movie and Music News, Relationship and Children, and Inspiration.

For other sections, we currently select materials from open sources that we can find in foreign languages, translate and publish them in our magazine.
Naturally, as our magazine is a lifestyle magazine, we are looking for information that will be interesting to our readers, bring a positive attitude, inspire and reveal something new. Therefore, we are very scrupulous in selecting the content, being responsible for each single article.

When publishing new articles, we are absolutely positive that the person reading them will receive everything that corresponds to the mission of our publication, specifically: positivity, inspiration, creativity, new ideas and a certain scope and horizon expansion.

Your magazine’s policy includes support for certain categories of authors. Tell us more about it.

Julia Liashuk: With pleasure! We do support authors who are within certain categories.
The first one is youth. In particular, they are young people, aged 10 to 21, who have a writer’s gift and want to collaborate with us, sharing the mission and principles of our journal. We give these authors the opportunity to realise themselves, as well as earn their first money, which is always an important part for young people. We are proud of having the privilege to participate in the young generation’s life and development.

The second category is mothers of many children (three or more children). I am a mother with many children myself; I have three sons, that’s why I know the problems that women on maternity leave face. We want to help these mothers not to focus only on family duties and give them the opportunity for self-realisation. If a woman has a writer’s gift, we are ready to provide her with the opportunity to write for our magazine, paying for her articles.

The third category that we attract to publish in our journal are professionals in their field, whose articles we like, and these are people, that share the magazine’s mission. We support such authors financially as well.

Other authors’ articles, which we publish in our journal, are based on cross-media PR.

As CTJ’s articles are published in five languages, we also have translators, who translate articles into other languages.

I’ll reveal you a little secret: our company’s plans include patronage. We would like to support young people of art like young singers, artists and musicians by investing a certain amount of income from our magazine’s activity in the development of their talents, announcing educational grants or participation in international competitions.

It is known that Coffee Time Journal takes part in charity. Tell us more about that, please.

Julia Liashuk: Yes, of course. At the moment we are supporting a large charity project organised by my friend, Aliona Mozgova, together with the Sacre Coeur foundation, and the activities of this project include supporting an orphanage for the disabled in the city of Znamenka, Ukraine. We are helping this project financially and informationally, posting information about it in our journal.

We were also a media partner of another foundation, called Spina Bifida, which is a foundation providing comprehensive support to children born with one very complex diagnosis of spinal pathology. Moreover, we have a series of articles devoted to the topic.
Besides, we definitely set ourselves even higher goals for the new 2025 year and plan to participate more actively in charity, because we want not only to improve people’s lives through the article publication in our magazine, but also to provide financial support to those in need.

Could you tell, please, if Coffee Time journal is the only activity of yours?

Julia Liashuk: Of course, not. I have various activities. Surely, first of all it is our magazine Coffee Time Journal. I develop and fill it on a daily basis, define expansion and improvement strategy, and write my own articles.

My second activity is being a writer. Moreover, I write constantly — ideas, notes, observations, some of my thoughts or conclusions that I make during the day, I write down some people’s stories that inspire me. From this whole stream of notes new articles can be born or entire chapters can be formed, and from chapters, of course, books.
Writing is not my job. It is something inside me that I release. I can write anywhere, e.g. in bed, in a crowded cafe, on a mountain top or at my desk. In addition, I can write anytime, e.g. in the morning, afternoon, evening, or at night. I write when I have something to write about, or when I don’t know it yet. I just take my diary and a pen and write the first sentence that echoes in my mind, and then everything that is inside me pours out onto the paper.

The third type of my activity is that I am a Life Coach. This activity is to serve people. I know my talents, and one of them is to bring inspiration. I can inspire any person to achieve something more in their life, as well as direct them or suggest how to do it. This activity is also listed as a daily one in my diary.

The fourth point is that a special place in my life is devoted to my personal self-development. Every day!

  • I practice learning two languages at the same time: English and Italian.
  • I am currently an amateur dancer, and dancing plays a huge part in my life. This is where I invest my time, money and energy. I attend a ballroom dancing school in Milan and study dancing activities by watching videos of professional dancers, reading their stories, as well as all interesting information related to the topic. At home, I try to revise what my teacher and I learnt in the studio so as to practice more. I even explore professional dancers’ dresses, trying to understand which one would suit me 🙂
  • Every day I dedicate some time to read the Bible, my diaries, and also time to communicate with the Lord and to read a lot of literature.
  • I practice playing tennis, and in this period, my youngest son Eddie and I are working out with a tennis instructor twice a week.
  • Last autumn I learnt to ride a scooter, and this spring I’m going to learn to ride a motorbike.
  • I work out at home on a treadmill to get some cardio three times per week.

In addition to all that, in my diary there are always indicated some people I call, write, or send voice and text messages to during the week. Of course, first of all, these are my family members, and I have quite a lot of them. Secondly, they are my friends and colleagues. I have a list of about twenty people who are constantly on my radar, and thanks to it, I never forget about them and stay in touch.

How do you manage to do all that?

Julia Liashuk: I have a favorite phrase that I thought up myself. It goes something like this: I manage to do what I want to manage. So if I add something to my weekly planner, it means I will definitely have time to do it. If I don’t add it there, it means it is not of particular importance to me. I can say that the main secret is in setting my personal priorities and planning. In principle, there is nothing new 🙂

Another secret of how I manage to do everything is that I am not in a hurry! If I realise that something in my life takes up my time and does not bring me pleasure or results, I stop doing it. That way, I manage to do all the important activities to me.

On 30th October 2025 Coffee Time Journal will celebrate its fifth anniversary. What plans have you set for the magazine’s development for this year?

Julia Liashuk: It is a very good question! We can say that five years is the first major anniversary. After analysing everything that has been done over the past four years, I came to the conclusion that we have done much more than I planned!

At the moment we are publishing articles in five languages, exactly as we wanted initially. Main articles are published in Russian, because a large number of people all over the world read our magazine in this language. Some articles are published in Ukrainian.

After analysing our statistics, we realised that quite a large number of people read us in English, but we haven’t covered this segment sufficiently yet, because we have only two authors who write in English. Attracting new authors who write in English is among our goals, as well as translating our most popular articles into English.

As I personally live in Italy, near the border with France and Monaco, one of the tasks is to increase the number of readers in this region, which is on the French Riviera and the Ligurian Riviera, as well as throughout Italy and France.

Last autumn we were able to do some first steps in this direction: all the articles written by me personally were translated into Italian and English. Thus, our International section was significantly expanded!

Our plans for 2025 include the possibility to translate each article by our exclusive authors into foreign languages, which is no less than 35-50 articles per month. That way, we will increase the flow of our readers in French and Italian.

We also plan to attract new authors to those Coffee Time Journal sections where we don’t have our exclusive content yet, that is written specifically for our magazine.

While creating the journal, we were planning to host Coffee Time podcasts and shoot Coffee Time videos. We have a number of podcasts that I recorded myself. They are part of the “Between us girls” series. Although at a certain point I stopped hosting this programme, now I am thinking of resuming it.

Coffee Time videos are still at the stage of thinking, as we do understand that in order to implement effectively this project, we need a new person, a new employee who will be passionate about this idea and bring it to life. Thus, for now we are waiting.

These are the plans for Coffee Time Journal development for 2025.

I will reveal another secret: one of our main dreams is to hold an exclusive anniversary party on October 30, 2025 in one of the most beautiful places in the world and invite our authors, close partners, Coffee Time Journal followers and, of course, our family members and guests.

I am sure we will do it!

Do you look into the long-term future? How do you see the Coffee Time Journal project in 10 years, from the point of view of today’s feelings, possibilities and wishes?

Julia Liashuk: We live in a very fast-changing world, so I don’t look 10 years ahead now, even though I used to. But I can look 5 years ahead, in that particular moment when we will be celebrating the magazine’s 10th anniversary.

So, I can see a large beautiful ballroom of one of the world’s best hotels (I don’t guess which country on purpose, so as not to set specific limits to us). We will invite our authors, partners, readers and close friends, who are supporters of the journal and who help us realise main ideas and tasks of our publication, to this event.

By that moment, CTJ will have become powerful media that continues promoting its mission, which is improving and diversifying people’s lives. We will be bringing people positivity, inspiration as well as new, fresh and bold ideas. We will be patrons, investing our resources in the cultural and art development and participating in charity projects.
We will have created special awards from CTJ, which can be received by people who have a positive impact on our world. And exactly on 30 October 2030 we will be proudly presenting these awards. The number of our readers will have reached 1 million people worldwide.

This is the picture I can see for now.

Author Julia

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, ideas and plans!

Translated in English by Anastasiya Moskalenko

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Татьяна Прийма
Chief Editor at Coffee Time Journal | + posts

Главный редактор Coffee Time journal

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